Cheney High School marching Blackhawks
The Cheney High School Marching Band and Color Guard is comprised of students from not only the band and percussion program at Cheney High School, but also the strings and choir programs as well. The marching band at Cheney High School is highly competitive, though we achieve our success through strengthening life skills such as hard work, dedication, and teamwork.
Past Shows
2023 - TBA
2022 - As Above, So Below
2021 - For Good
Spring 2021 - The Beauty of Silence
2019 - The Laws of Motion
2018 - Know No Bounds
2017 - 2+2=5
2016 - Syzygy
2015 - Introspection
2014 - Flight
2013 - Xuandi
2012 - Tribal Affect
2011 - Out of Darkness
2010 - Fabric of Time
2009 - The Artist
2008 - Fire and Ice
2007 - Pictures at an Exhibition
2006 - Phantom of the Opera
2005 - Darkness Ascending
2023 Marching Band Staff
Josh Wisswell - Director/Battery Arranger/Drill Design
Joanna Wilkerson - Color Guard/Choreography
Sam Schlaich - Visual/Woodwinds/Westwood MS
Chandler Little - Visual/Brass/Cheney MS
Cory Jones - Front Ensemble/Percussion Caption
Erica Little - Audio Tech
Cody Goforth - Battery
Gavin Davis - Battery
Landon Moad - Visual Tech
Sean San Pedro - Visual Tech
TBD - Visual Tech
TBD - Visual Tech
TBD - Color Guard Tech
Alex Thode - Arranger/Composer
Bryson Teel - Sound Designer